Tap Magic H2OX™ NC SMT2 Metal Semi-Synethic Lubricant Oil Anti Friction MADE US
Tap Magic H2OX™ NC is formulated to provide excellent lubricity while eliminating the sticky messy film associated with heavy oil products.
Designed for non-ferrous metals, especially for aerospace or military applications that do not allow chlorinated lubricants. Supports all applications including grinding, sawing, milling, boring, and reaming, Tap Magic H2OX™ NC can be used with any water-based metal cutting system to provide the following benefits:
- Extended Tool Life (coated or uncoated tooling)
- Long Sump Life (low bacterial growth)
- Low Skin Irritation Formulation
- Resistant to Residue or Film Build Up
- Corrosion Resistant
- Low Foam Characteristics
You've trusted our oil-based products for decades, so we spent years perfecting a water-soluble product that is worthy of the Tap Magic name. If you want more life out of your tooling and happy customers, try Tap Magic H2OX™ NC today.